PureUtils Software is very different from other software vendors in terms of money back program. We provide transparent money-back coverage on the entire product range. We always put customer requirements on top of our list. We also provide the free demo version of every product. Before purchasing the licensed version, try the demo version first. If it fulfills your need, then purchase the license key. In case our product not working properly, then please let us know. Our technical team will help you. If the team failed to resolve the issue, then we will refund your money as per the company’s 30 days refund policy program.
When you claim the refund, you need to provide a valid reason and evidence. Without proof, you will not eligible for the refund. In case our technical team asks you to send the file, then please provide your file. We also ready to provide you Non-Discloser Agreement (NDA) from our end, but if you are not sending your file, then you will not be eligible for the refund. No refund will be given after 30 days.
Before applying for the refund, please follow these instructions.
Non-Discloser Agreement (NDA) is provided from our end but with a condition that the refund is not eligible if the client is not sending the file to our support department or not uploading files on our FTP Server, even if we are ready to sign the NDA.
In case the customer is not satisfied with our products, he/she can exercise their fullright to claim and receive a refund within 30 days after the purchase date. No refund is available after 30 days.
Note: In case our team or software failed to perform recovery, then only purchase price (excluding shipping/ handling/ commission/ TAX) will be refunded.